Farm laborers hand-harvest artisan lettuce the traditional way on a farm near Gonzales, California, operated by Tanimura & Antle, one of the largest growers of fresh produce in the United States. Growing different varieties of lettuce that mature at the same time is challenging, but the effort allows them to be boxed or bagged as a spring mix right in the field. California produces about a third of the vegetables in the United States and two-thirds of the fruits and nuts, thanks to the labor of some 500,000 to 800,000 farmworkers. An estimated 50 to 75 percent of those workers are undocumented, although their numbers have fallen in recent years as more temporary visa–holders are recruited for the work, and companies offer more benefits to keep employees. These workers for Tanimura & Antle are US citizens and made an average of $20 per hour with medical, dental, and vision benefits, as well as 401(k) retirement plans, in 2016 when the photograph was taken.