Aerial view of old Ghardaia, the largest of the ancient hill towns in the M'Zab region, and a World Heritage Site.
Laid out liAerial view of old Ghardaia, the largest of the ancient hill towns in the M'Zab region, and a World Heritage Site. The villages of Ghardaia are all located on hills in the valley surrounded by a stony plain. The areas between the villages used to be all farmland, but a rapidly growing population has filled in most of the low-lying ground with residential buildings, which are susceptible to flooding from rare but severe an mosaic, the residents carefully maintain their antique homes, which often feature a walled roof-top area for laundry and outdoor sleeping on hot Saharan nights. These roof-top sanctuaries are often painted in turquoise and other pastel colors. The highest point in the village is the minaret of the mosque, directly below the point where this photo was taken.